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About Us


We pledge to supply and deliver only the purest natural supplements. We believe that most beauty and health issues start from the inside. As such, our approach is to focus on health first and treat from the inside using natural supplements, followed by cosmetics.

We specialize in supplying all kinds of supplements from beauty, women's health, men's health and many more.

All our supplements are manufactured in the USA.


We offer free consultation by trained dieticians to help you make informed decisions on your supplements' needs.

These are offered on a first come first served basis. Book yours from the WhatsApp icon on this page.


Gone are the days when you had to waste a whole day just to shop - even window shop! Once you place an order from us online or via WhatsApp or phone, we deliver to you at a minimal cost.

Most deliveries within Nairobi will be done the same day. Deliveries outside Nairobi will be done the following day by overnight courier.

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